Communication can be split into two parts -- the message or content, and the channel it's transmitted on.
When we combine it is define in communication as in communication process sender puts a message in words and transmit it to a receiver who interprets the message. The medium the sender chooses to transmit is called communication channels.
Communication channels are not very important in past but with the passage of time they become very important. In 1960s first time Marshall McLuhan said that medium is the message. Later media richness theory (Lengel and Draft 1998) realized that choice of communication channel contributes significantly along with the words, to the success of message
There are different channels which are used in communication for example electronic media, print media, face to face communication these channels are also divided into other further sub channels. For example, you may want to communicate something about your emotional state -- let's say that you are angry. You can communicate that over a number of channels. You could write a letter. You could send email. You could communicate it non-verbally or non verbally. You could send a tape recording of your ranting about why you are angry. Those are all different channels What's important is that different communication channels have different strengths and weaknesses. It depends on us that which channel and how we want to communicate.


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